India 2014
Our last few months in India have been busy!
In early April I had another homebrew fest with my fellow homebrewers. Mike Citrino upped the game by adding homemade grilled pizza to the menu. The pizza was amazing – he used a special dough that he made 24 hours earlier with special ingredients and then we put together a wide variety of toppings, my favorite was pesto sauce with artichokes and japapenos! The beer was awesome as well – we called this edition of the fest “yeast fest 2014”.
We almost got rained out though – we made a last minute move to the school canteen, which worked out great. We had three different bands playing – which was another new addition. What an awesome time – I hope my fellow homebrewers keep up the tradition!
On the next 4 weekends I went biking with Zoë in the Himalayas for three days, went to Jilling with Robyn, Zoë and four other families, went to Kasar Devi near Almora with friends and went for our THIRD trip to see the world’s oldest known zero in Gwalior!
On April 11th, Zoë and I joined six other teachers on a Jan Zabinski organized bicycling trip from Musoourie to Rishikesh. It was so beautiful and so much fun! I was a bit worried about Zoë being able to hack it, but she was amazing! She used a tag along to attach to my bike. Brent’s high end tag along was much better than I anticipated – Zoë had gears so she helped push us up long and steep hills in the Himalayas. By the end, we had done 160kms of awesome rural roads, mostly downhill (but a lot of uphill as well.) Here’s you tube video of the trip.
On April 17th we headed to Jilling with four families. It was my 6th and final trip there! As always, it was beautiful and very relaxing. We had fun hiking during the day and playing games at night. I was sad to leave!
The next weekend (three weekends in a row now!) I took the exact same train back to the same area, but this time I headed, with 7 guy friends, up to Kasar Devi, outside Almora and closer to the mountains. It was my first time there. We had fun hiking, playing guitar and playing games. We had great weather.
The first weekend of May (four weekends in a row!) we returned to Gwalior to see the world’s oldest zero for the third time. We were lucky to travel with 4 other families which meant lots of kids and lots of pool time! The Taj Hotel we stayed in is great, especially the pool. The last day I did a “one-zero” km loop up the bottom of the plateau to the big fort in town, past the temple with the world’s oldest zero, across the plateau, down the other side and back to the hotel just in time to beat the serious heat.
Now we have three weekends left before we leave. I’m happy to spend them all at home as we sort ourselves out before leaving India.
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