Dientes de Navarino

On December 25, 2022 by keirobyn

[December 2022] Each year Zoë and I do a backcountry hike.  I look forward to the time outdoors and one on one time with Zoë!  This year we hiked the 4 day trail Dientes de Navarino, in Chilean Tierra del Fuego.  The hike bills itself as the worlds southernmost hike.  About 1000 people complete the hike each year, making it about 1000 times less trafficked than the more well known (and also beautiful) Torres del Paine.


  • Puerto Williams can (currently) only be reached from Punta Arenas.  The only airline that makes the trip is DAN airways:  https://dapairline.com/en/flights-punta-arenas-puerto-williams/
  • There is also a ferry from Punta Arenas, which takes 30 hours but goes through ‘Glacier Alley’.  If you have time, it’s a great idea to take the ferry to Puerto Williams and the flight back (since the ferry travels through the most scenic parts at night on the return).
  • For our layover in Punta Arenas, we stayed in Hostal Costanera del Estrecho.  A simple and comfortable bargain at 30.000CLP for a double with shared bathroom.
  • In Puerto Williams, we stayed at Hostal Akainij, Calle Austral 22, +56 9 40186869, turismoakainij [at] turismoakainij.cl. A clean, simple, friendly place.  60.000CLP for a double with bathroom.  A good breakfast.
  •  I think there are four small guiding companies on the island.  We used Matias Cortes +56 9 8857 7570, who I highly recommend.  He is friendly and knowledgable.  From what I can tell, most people complete the hike without a guide, so it’s certainly possible to do so.  However, a guide such as Matias will help you find spots you would not find on your own, help you find the best route when the trail is hard to find (often) and of course be invaluable when the weather goes to shite. About one person per year dies on the trek.
  • Apps:  The route is in Alltrails (need to pay to download the track and maps), and also OSMand (free, but no contour maps).  I personally use GaiaGPS, but you also need to pay to download the maps.
  • Water is everywhere.  We brought a filter but never used it.
  • The area is not a park, so there are no park fees and no park infrastructure.  You can expect that to change in the next five year.
  • You can rent or buy any equipment you need in Puerto Williams.   If you are hiking without a guide, consider renting a GPS SOS system, which allows you to send messages using satellites.

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