Brazil 2024
[January 2024] Robyn, Zoë and I traveled in Brazil for 3 weeks for our mid school year vacation. We flew in and out of Rio. We also visited Foz de Iguacu, Salvador, Recife and the Islands of Fernando De Noronha. Since we travelled just a few weeks before Carnival, we were excited to see pre-Carnival festivities most places that we travelled. It was also fun for Robyn and I to revisit places we had travelled in twenty years ago. (more from twenty years ago). Brazil was hot! We often went out for a few hours in the morning, retreated to our air conditioning for a mid day nap and then went out again in the afternoon/early evening. Click on any photo below to open up a gallery.

oh my so awesome!! and so many familiar places!! (we lived in Brazil for 6 years after all, Rio and Recife)
Good for you all!
Saudades do Brasil!!